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New Extension Master Gardener Project - Water Dogs

Water Dogs flyer

This new volunteer project begins with one-on-one, hands-on education for Extension Master Gardeners (EMG) from your local Extension Educator. You'll increase your understanding of how to determine lawn water needs and efficient irrigation methods. You’ll also learn soil health management practices to increase water conservation and reduce runoff, resulting in improved grass root systems and better health.

In turn, volunteers will share what they learn with others in their communities to increase homeowners water use efficiency and increase the health of their soils. If you are interested in participating, please contact your local Extension Educator listed in the Water Dogs Team. 

Learn how to:

  • Measure soil moisture using a moisture meter
  • Measure soil compaction using a penetrometer and a screwdriver
  • Audit a home irrigation system for damage, efficiency and water output rate
  • Identify a lawn’s need for irrigation

Program Recording

6:30 PM Welcome & introductions. Brief overview of project goals, guidelines and perks.

6:45 PM Soils: From the Ground UpSoil is a mixture of minerals, dead and living organisms (organic materials), air, and water. These four ingredients react with one another in amazing ways, making soil one of our planet’s most dynamic and important natural resources and a great place to prow plants. Emeritus professor and Master Gardener Dr. Dennis McCallister will provide a comprehensive look at soil properties and processes. Speaker Dennis McCallister, UNL Professor Emeritus of Soil Science | Handouts

7:45 PM A "Myth Buster's" Review of Lawn Irrigation Management - Social and conventional media and the internet can be a great source of information on a plethora of topics and managing soils in your yard is no exception. State Extension Turfgrass Specialist Dr. Roch Gaussoin will provide a review of lawn irrigation management, soil problems and solutions. Speaker Roch Gaussion, UNL Professor of Turf and Landscape Systems | Handouts

8:15 PM Questions & Answers

For more information, contact the Water Dogs program team.