Seasonal information for Nebraska's green industry professionals.

Subscribe to ProHort Update Newsletter
ProHort Update is a FREE monthly e-mail newsletter from Nebraska Extension, providing timely information to green industry professionals.
Need help with diagnostics?
Digital Diagnostic Network
The Digital Diagnostic Network is a unique offering from Nebraska Extension that pairs you with some of the nation's foremost experts on plants, insects, plant pathology and more.
Homeowners, farmers, lawn care professionals, landscape managers, pest control operators and others are invited to submit questions and photos. Whether you have a question about bed bugs, a weed in your lawn or a disease outbreak in your crop, we want to hear from you An expert panle of Extension professionals will promptly review and rspond to your question.

Upcoming Events
Trees & Shrubs
- Emerald Ash Borer Resources - EAB has been found in several Nebraska locations. Homeowners are encouraged to wait to begin treating their ash trees until the insect is confirmed within 15 miles of their location.
- NFS Tree Storm Damage Resources