The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, in concert with Extension Specialists, Extension Educators, and Extension Assistants, provides educational and training programs that address health, the environment, economic well-being, and pesticide safety. Visit for training schedules, study materials and more.
Private Applicator - A licensed applicator who uses any restricted use pesticide (RUP) for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by him/her or his/her employer, or to apply on the property of another person without compensation (other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities).
Commercial Applicator — A licensed applicator who purchases or uses any restricted use pesticide (RUP) on a contractual or “for hire” basis. Commercial applicator shall also include any person using restricted or general use pesticides “for hire” or compensation for lawn care, structural pest control, or community-wide outdoor vector control.
Noncommercial Applicator — A licensed applicator who applies RUPs only on lands owned or controlled by his/her employer or for a governmental agency or subdivision of the state. Also, a licensed applicator who applies either general or restricted use pesticides to control mosquitoes on behalf of a political subdivision of the state.
Chemigation - The practice of applying agricultural chemicals through an irrigation distribution system. The Nebraska Chemigation Act requires those engaged in chemigation to be trained and certified. The chemigation certification program is administered by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE).
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Pesticide Applicator Training and Recertification
Visit for training schedules, study materials and more.