Since 1976, the Nebraska Extension Master Gardener program has extended the outreach of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln by providing volunteers with science-based horticulture education and preparing them to share their knowledge with citizens across the State.
Extension Master Gardeners are trained volunteers with an interest in horticulture and a desire to serve their community. Working through their local Extension office, Extension Master Gardener volunteers provide research-based garden & landscape information to their community. A few project examples include community gardens, public landscapes, school science events, community events, public service announcements and answering the public's garden questions via phone or email. Activities can be The only requirement for volunteer activities is that each have a community connection and an educational component.
Goals include growing a love of plants, gardening and nature in both youth and adults, while increasing sustainable practices to ensure green spaces, people and native ecosystems all thrive.
Participants are required to complete 40 hours of training and 40 hours of volunteer service during the initial year of their involvement in the program. Each year they renew their Master Gardener status through additional training and volunteering - a minimum of 10 hours continuing education and 20 volunteer hours.
Interested in becoming an Extension Master Gardener?
Classes are held twice a year, beginning in late January or October. Contact your local county extension office to determine the training location closest to you. Enrollment may be limited based on available space.

2023 Impacts

Terri James
State Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program Coordinator Extension Educator
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
172 KEIM Hall
PO Box 830915
Lincoln, NE 68583-0915
Phone: 402-472-8973