Featured Programs

Image of female red-wing blackbird and chicks.

Nebraska Extension meets learners whenever and wherever they need us. We provide education and informational resources through television, radio, social media, print media, classroom sessions and virtual on-line learning. No matter the audience - adults or youth, home gardeners or commercial professionals - we strive to provide the accurate science-based knowledge they need. 

Human health is strongly tied to the environment in which people live. Managing health threats, such as public health diseases and insect damage to homes, and supporting health benefits from the environment plays a vital role in human health and wellbeing. 

The production of safe and abundant local fruits and vegetables not only plays a part in improving human health, but also stimulates the local economy and supports local producers and food systems. 

Human health is also inextricably linked to animal, plant and environmental health. To support Nebraskans health and wellbeing, we must both protect a biodiverse environment that provides for healthy, abundant foods, a strong local economy, and sustainable natural resources, while also managing public health and horticultural crop concerns and threats.

Growing the participation by a diverse group of collaborators in the Nebraska One Health program- which focuses on shared human, animal, plant and environmental health - maximizes human health outcomes through increased production of safe, local produce, and resilient natural and built environments.

Backyard Farmer

Backyard Farmer is dedicated to helping you find solutions to your lawn and garden questions. Every year from spring to fall, our panel of experts deals with topics from insects, turf and weeds, rots and spots, landscapes, vegetables, and critters, as well as landscape design and general horticulture topics.

Image of fall garden.

Extension Master Gardener Volunteers

Extension Master Gardeners are trained volunteers with an interest in horticulture and a desire to serve their community. Working through their local Extension office, Extension Master Gardener volunteers provide research-based garden & landscape information to their community.

Image of Backyard Farmer Garden.

Nebraska One Health

One Health brings together people with diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives to improve the health of humans, animals (wild and domestic), plants and our shared environments.

Image of deer in urban forest.

Pesticide Applicator Training and Recertification

Providing educational and training programs that address health, the environment, economic well-being, pesticide safety and prepare applicators for their work with pesticides. 

Image of a pesticide spray applictors recordkeeping book.