- Appreciating Weeds
- Battling Yellow Nutsedge
- Fall Treatment of Phragmites
- Henbit - An Early Spring Bloomer
- Mid-summer Weed Control Tips
- Nebraska Noxious Weeds
- Phragmites Control - With Goats?
- Purple Loosestrife
- Soil Temperatures and Spring Preemergence Herbicide Applications
- The Value of Nebraska's Native Thistles
- Weed 'em & Eat 'em
- Winter Is The Best Time To Spot Phragmites
Nebraska Extension Publications
Nebraska Weed Associations
- Nebraska Weed Control Association
- Nebraska Department of Agriculture-Noxious Weed Program
- Nebraska Invasive Species Project
- Rutgers Cooperative Extension Weed Gallery
- The Bugwood Network- Invasive & Exotic Weeds
- Virginia Tech Weed Identification Guide
- Weed Management in the Home Garden (pdf, 625 KB), Iowa State University
Weed ID & Control Videos
- Controlling Fall Weeds
- Controlling Nutsedge
- Dandelions
- Fall Weed Control
- Invasive Weeds
- Understanding Product Labels
- Common Turf Weeds- Dandelions, Henbit, Common Chickweed
- Common Vine Weeds
- Poison Ivy
- Poisonous Weeds
Noxious Weeds
Pre-emergent Herbicides
Vining Weeds